
You can found here the list of aiven service and schema for each environment use by the application:

production europe:

  • aiven service: member-sport-hub-prod-eu-peered-urm-member
  • schema: sport_hub
  • credential:
    • vault: prod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member/member-sport-hub-prod-eu/service-info

production america:

  • aiven service: member-sport-hub-prod-us-peered-urm-member
  • schema: sport_hub
  • credential:
    • vault: prod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member/member-sport-hub-prod-us/service-info

production asia:

  • aiven service: member-sport-hub-prod-sg-peered-urm-member
  • schema: sport_hub
  • credential:
    • vault: prod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member/member-sport-hub-prod-sg/service-info

preproduction europe:

  • aiven service: member-sport-mutu-peered-urm-member-stg
  • schema: sport_hub-stg
  • credential:
    • vault: preprod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member-stg/member-sport-mutu/service-info

preproduction america:

  • aiven service: sport-practice-db-ppr-us-peered-urm-member
  • schema: sport_hub
  • credential:
    • vault: prod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member/sport-practice-db-ppr-us/service-info

preproduction asia:

  • aiven service: sport-practice-ppr-sg-peered-urm-member
  • schema: sport_hub
  • credential:
    • vault: preprod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member/sport-practice-ppr-sg/service-info

load europe:

  • aiven service: member-sport-mutu-peered-urm-member-stg
  • schema: sport_hub-load
  • credential:
    • vault: preprod
    • path: aiven/peered-urm-member-stg/member-sport-mutu/service-info