This application is monitored through custom metric and datadog dashboard.
📈 dashboard
The business dashboard with statistics about favorite sport addition and deletion is available
The technical one is available
here and references some information about CPU, memory topic lag, pod status and database information.
Lately a dashboard for production follow up is defined
here to trace API latency and endpoint availability.
Custom business metrics
Metrics used in application are counters.
These metrics allow to observe API usage about sport decalaration and member data deletion requests.
API Usage
- the number of declared sports aggregated by sport type: ‘fs_favorite_sport_successfully’
- the number of declared sports aggregated by source used: ‘fs_favorite_sport_successfully_added_by_source’
- the number of deleted sport declaration aggregated by sport type: ‘fs_favorite_sport_successfully_deleted’
- the number of deeleted sports declaration by application used: ‘fs_favorite_sport_successfully_deleted_by_source’
Member data deletion
- the number of data deletion requests: ‘fs_sport_member_data_deletion_request’
- the number of processed requests : ‘fs_sport_member_data_deleted’
- the number of deletion failure: ‘fs_sport_member_data_not_deleted’
- the number ignored request if member has no data in application: ‘fs_sport_member_has_no_data’